I thought it would be nice to have an introductions thread stickied to the top of this forum. I'll go first.
I'm greeter (always a lower case g). I'm the middle aged founder of Ravenchat. I currently work in a contact center and in my spare time I like to go for bike rides, play chess, and tinker with code. There's questions as to whether or not I'm an alien, but genetics testing currently indicates that I am not. There isn't much else to say about me, but if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
I thought it would be nice to have an introductions thread stickied to the top of this forum. I'll go first.
I'm greeter (always a lower case g). I'm the middle aged founder of Ravenchat. I currently work in a contact center and in my spare time I like to go for bike rides, play chess, and tinker with code. There's questions as to whether or not I'm an alien, but genetics testing currently indicates that I am not. There isn't much else to say about me, but if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.